Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How do insert a pictures on myspace with a website link and how do i insert web links onto myspace?

How do i insert a pictures onto myspace with a website link and when you click on it opens in a new window if thats possible. Also how do i insert a website link onto myspace.

How do insert a pictures on myspace with a website link and how do i insert web links onto myspace?

for website links write in the code, where ever you want it to appear, I put my links in the about me section and the other sections.:

%26lt;a href="website address including the http:// part" target="_blank"%26gt;

whatever you want written on the link%26lt;/a%26gt;

for example %26lt;a href="" target="_blank"%26gt;;/a%26gt; where as it'll just show as

thats if you want the website address to open in new window if not, take out the target="_blank" part.

to show an image, of say a dog, where you click it and it brings you to a website in a new browser/window, then the code would be:

%26lt;a href="" target="_blank"%26gt;%26lt;img src="dog.jpg" alt=""%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;

that link is if you click on the image of the dog then yahoo's home page will appear in the new window. so you'd put the website address that you'd like to appear in the new window in there.

the alt part is if you want for when a person puts their cursor (the little hand), over the picture it will show what the website address is. if you don't want it just take it out.

the image link is only for images that are already on the web, I don't know the code if the image comes from your computer .

if the code doesn't work, make sure you have all your tags done correctly %26lt; to open and %26gt; to close the tag. and the "writing or link in between these guys " is very important.

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